Here the series of life drawing exercises that were carried out as part of this module. The first study is a five minute pose whereby i used charcoal to quickly pick out key features in the subject. I think the use of charcoal is a fast working medium, as in to have a clear image using charcoal you have to work quickly with your strokes as the image can get messy if it is worked into too much.
I didn't really find this exercise challenging but it is good practice to concentrate on a subject and how clothes may fall on that subject.
Here on the right is a twenty minute study done in fine liner pen, i found this a little more challenging as i had to be more considered in judging the angles that the limbs were pointing in and in what way the posture of the subject was being carried. He was slouched over looking at his phone, sat on a bean bag and i think i managed to capture this well.
Here on left is another 20 min study. I found this study harder than the one talked about previously, as i was drawing from a viewpoint that was not familiar to me, this suggests to me that i need top practice drawing from angles that i may find strange/ unfamiliar.
Because of my unfamiliarity with the angle I don't think i got the proportions of the subject right, for example the head appears to large when compared to the rest of the body.
In the drawing on the right was an exercise whereby I was studying how someone might look when they are exerting a certain amount of force on an object.
This force was a pulling force, and i think i managed to capture the pose well in this drawing, this i think is mainly to do with the suggestive lines in the object being pulled and the subject moving away from my viewpoint.
This series of drawings was drawn from a subject striking a series of varied poses exhibiting squash and stretch. These poses were held for 10 seconds each so the drawings had to be simple and just capture the essence of each pose.
I found this exercise challenging but fun, and after a few series of these exercise you start to recognise the quickest way to capture a certain pose which is to me good practice.
In this series of drawings i captured a subject moving through a space, the subject here is seen doing a roll.
I chose to render these drawings in a thick red marker so that the drawings would not smudge like charcoal would have and so that each drawing/ each key point in the movement would stand out.