Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Sequential Imagery - Research - Set Series Sequence

 For my research on sequential imagery I have chosen to look at comic books, this particular comic book is from a series called 'Zero' and i have chosen to analyse it for its clever use of panels within the comic book.
The panels within this comic book are very cinematic in that there are lots of different shots similar to that of a film, I think this more common with modern comic books as comics such as spiderman, superman etc had a lot of dialogue talking your through what was happening within a scene, rather than there being more visual storytelling aids.
What I like about this sequential imagery is that the artists have not only managed to capture each movement from one to the next but also the change of atmosphere using colour.
With sequential imagery there is a science behind where you should lead the reader/viewer's eyes. It is much easier for the reader/viewer's eye - in the western world - to follow the story from left to right and this adds to the fluidity of the story as a whole.

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