Sunday, 19 March 2017

Applied Animation - Animated Documentary - Weekly Production Diary - Week Three

This week pre-production slowed as other projects have taken greater priority.

I did however take the time to find some interesting secondary research - a photography project by James Mollison called Disciples.

In this project the photographer takes photographs of concert goers outside of the venue and what this amounts to is a series of photographs in which we see the fans of the musicians imitating their idols to such a high degree that everybody looks more or less the same - part of a tribe one might say.

I also found this photography project by CJ Clarke - Magic Party Place which gives an inside look deep into the heart of council estate britain - or at least the lifestyle and culture of the real working class. I found this inspiring as I feel that sometimes when the phrase 'working class' is brought up in conversation there can often be connotations of people being 'benefit spongers' and somehow the people having less dignity or compassion as those better off financially in society, also I feel another connotation that sometimes may come into the fervor is that the white British workling class have certain racial dispositions - this be due to groups like the EDL - English Defence League and Britain First, whose supporters are largely classed as white British.
What I think this project does however is show the tight connections that the people of Basildon have with each other in small groups of friends and families - showing this other compassionate side to what may appear to many people as these people being defensive and close minded - disinterested in life outside of the town but finding comfort in their own homes, streets and pubs.

 I find this project a really valuable source of inspiration in terms of looking at stereotypes as this gives an inside look into the lives of people that may to many people outside of this lifestyle have a negative stereotype attached them. For example the youths with their tops off wearing trackies may to some people look like 'chavs'.

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