Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Animation skills - Apply - Initial Idea Development (OUAN403)

In this stage of my development I needed to quickly mind map out possible routes in which to take the project. I have circled the key words that really jumped out at me and which i felt had more depth to them or moreover a wider scope to explore different narratives.

The word 'hate' jumped out at me, as I had a preconception of the type of animation I would like to produce, this word suited the aesthetic that I felt I wanted to attempt.
I want to subvert the word 'hate' to a self directed hatred- I may communicate this through expressive qualities in medium and the actions of characters in the animation.

There are initial sketches that detail the style of drawing that I would like to implement in my animation.

On this page in my sketchbook I considered the media in which my animation would be rendered, i quite like the idea of using pen and ink within a stop motion animation- I shall research into animations that have used similar mediums.

I feel the pen and ink would be best, to give the animation a very expressive quality that alongside a characters movement would emphasise the mood/atmosphere.

On this page I considered wether or not there should be a narrative in this animation, why the character feels the way he does etc.
Here i had the idea that the character loathed himself because he felt that he was a disappointment to those close to him, I felt this would illustrate well why the character carried hatred towards himself.

This idea worked well as a still, but i still had to consider what other actions would show that the character was directing hatred towards himself. The idea of someone punching there own reflection sprung to mind as a way of illustrating this theme.
Here i began drafting out ideas for a narrative for the animation, as i was drafting out my original idea for a narrative i realised that it may be too complicated for a 5-10 second stop motion animation.

I then opted for more of an abstractive idea just by showing a character in distress but having him interact with something like a wall, banging his head on it- which causes cracks in the wall that spell out words that can be associated with self-loathing.

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