Friday, 15 January 2016

Animation: Process and production - understanding - Flip Books: Then & Now (OUAN405)

Flip books, patented in 1868 by John Barnes linnett were popular in the late 19th and through to early 20th century, it used the principle of persistence of vision to give the illusion that many still images are infact one moving image. This was a development on the then popular Zoetrope and phenakistoscope wch used a kind of cylindrical format. It was popular for flip books to feature a series of photographs that perhaps showed a gentleman walking down the street. As the format progressed the flip books became marketing tools for objects such as early automobiles, cigarettes etc.
Today flip books are considered a novelty, a toy, rather than something that could be used professionally and effectively in marketing. There are however people who have turned the creation flip books into a refined art form such as this example here -

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