Overall I think this module for me has been
successful and I have produced a lot of work for competition and live briefs.
My time management and being able to juggle multiple briefs and
responsibilities at once has been good, and I think that for this reason the
work that I have produced hasn’t suffered too much in terms of the quality – as
the quality of the work across all the briefs has been consistent. The same
could be said about the collaborative work that has been produced whilst
working through this module, time management and work ethic has been consistent
Despite the quality of the work being consistent throughout the whole of this
module I think that the work could have been a little better – there are some areas
where I think that I could have done better if I pushed myself a little harder
to gain a little more refinement to the finished article.
If I were to revisit this module I would have taken more time researchinhg and
seeking out competition briefs that suited my own creative interests a lot more
than the ones I have chosen – although this does depend on there being
competition briefs that run whilst this module is set. And this is not to say
that most of the briefs that I had chosen to produce work for didn’t hold any
opportunity to pursue my own creative interests, it is just that at some points
within this module I felt like I was producing work that I did not have any
meaningful interest in or felt like I was gaining something by doing it –
however this may have served well as experience of what it is like work within
the creative industry, producing work to ‘keep the lights on’
The things that I feel I enjoyed the most about this module was the wide choice
of work that you could produce. It allowed me to produce work that was not
necessarily relative to animation but more illustrative, and as I regard myself
very much as a generalist in terms of my creative practice I found this quite
What I also enjoyed was the chance to experiment with different mediums in the
more open briefs that were more relative to my specialist subject of animation,
most notably the work that I produced for the ‘do it in twenty’ brief. This has
helped me open up to new possibilities and new ideas – new ways in which I can
approach future briefs.
I think what I least enjoyed about this module was having to pick briefs that I
felt I had little or no interest in just to fill criteria, I initially found it
very difficult to pick briefs and start them due to not being able to find any
that I felt I would produce really good work for, due to them being
One thing that I think I need to improve within myself is my ability to work
with others and challenge them abit more in terms of the intial ideas that we
come up with, however this comes from me looking at the work we produced
collaboratively and thinking it could have been better – but there was only a
very short window for the pre production phase of the larger project that we
worked on.
I think whilst working on this module my time management skills improved quite
considerably, having such a varied and large amount of work forced me to be
more organised and clear about what I was doing with my time and why I was
doing it, this enabled me to concentrate on producing the work and order things
in terms of priority.
This module has also given me a good insight into what it might be like work in
the creative industry as a general creative practitioner working for yourself
and collaborating with others, producing work because you have to for one
reason or another seems like the biggest lesson/ message that I detract from
working on this module and I understand that this will not always be the case
but it is a realistic reminder of what working in the creative industry might
mean for people at certain times in their career.
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