Monday, 22 February 2016

Applied Animation - Idea Development 01 - E4 Ident

These scans document my initial ideas for the E4 ident.
The top scan shows an idea whereby a character who's body/head is the E4 logo, is DJing and attempts a stage dive but splats on the floor showing the logo in full view.

An idea I also had at that time was the use of different images that are associated with the letter E, with some relative to pop-culture (what the channel E4 regards itself as a platform for), and animate them in synchronous with the provided sound beds in pixelation type animation.

The middle scan shows various ideas that i could not see developing any further due to them not being clear/simple enough. I had the Idea of baking a cake in the shape of the E4 logo and making a pixelation of the whole preparation of the cake right the way through to the finished product of a purple E4 cake complete with white icing.
This is an Idea that would not be hard to do but it would also depend heavily on photography and the lighting conditions being just right for a professional look and finish.

The bottom scan is my internal discussion/dialogue in deciding what themes to go with, what processes to use and planning how i might move forward with the project.

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