Tuesday, 17 November 2015

Animation: Processes and Production - Initial Idea Development (OUAN405)

Here is how my initial idea development started out, with a mind map of the title of the brief 'the otherside'. I started writing down all of the possible connotations that I could detract.
I had the idea to discuss through animation what the otherside' of somebody's consciousness might look like.
Here I started jotting down imagery that came to mind when I had this idea. I thought that the narrative could be that the audience takes a trip through a person's iris to the otherside. Another way to visualize this idea would be to show a character sleeping and all of a sudden they are falling in a dark space - this could illustrate 'the otherside' of someone's consciousness.
This idea followed the narrative of somebody being asleep and their 'third eye' opening, the camera zooming out to show them awake in a dream world with a door, the character opens the door and we see the character who is in actual fact asleep open their eyes.

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